Living the Dream

What's your dream? Do you ever dream of living off the land, managing a hobby farm, and homeschooling your children... have you ever considered all the work involved in this dream? Welcome to Brouwer Berries!

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Taking orders for pre-picked berries!

The strawberries are ripening in our early varieties!
U-Pick: We are NOT open for U-pick yet... hopefully by the end of the coming week the big middle chunk of the fields will start producing.  Keep an eye on our homepage for any changes. 
Pre-Picked: Yes! We will take orders for next week Monday, Wednesday and Thursday.     Please e-mail or call with the day you want them, how many, and a phone number in case we have torrential rain and can't get out into the field:)
  We will have your strawberries ready by 10 am, and you can come any time after that to pick them up.  For prices, and a picture of a flat, look on our website FAQ's.  I'll post on our website homepage when I've taken enough orders for a day, and will start putting people on a waiting list.  I will also post there when we're ready to start taking orders for later in the week, and into the next week. 

Feeling relieved that the strawberries are still flourishing after the rain,