Living the Dream

What's your dream? Do you ever dream of living off the land, managing a hobby farm, and homeschooling your children... have you ever considered all the work involved in this dream? Welcome to Brouwer Berries!

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Blink and you might miss it...

Good evening,
As you all know, the strawberry season is like the town of Prinsburg...blink, and you miss it, and like all small towns, you would miss a treasure:)  So, here's your nudge if you haven't yet had a chance to make it out to the strawberry field for the 2014 season.
We started picking in the late-season varieties Monday, and depending on the weather, they will go all of this week, and possibly into next week.  The late-season variety, called Winona, is a favorite with many of you for its' flavor, which is like a cross between a peach and a strawberry.  Mmmm.
The wagon rides were an enormous hit for people of all ages this week, including my own children who took dozens of round-trips just for the fun of it.  It certainly simplified things for people with a lot of kids and a lot of berries to get back to the front part of our farm.
We have a new photo op on our farm! Natalie Brouwer, an extremely talented CMCS junior, and one of our employees, painted a remake of "American Gothic" for us.  You can see photos on our blog.
U-pick: Opening 8 am Wednesday morning, and we'll close when we are sold out. Check our website to confirm before coming out.  I'll post updates throughout each day.
Pre-picked: Taking orders for any day this week, and we'll try to keep extra on the shelf for drive-ups.  I'll post on Facebook when we have extra. We probably won't do orders next week. 

Thanks so much to all of you who have told your friends and family about our farm this summer.  It has been a joy and a wonder to welcome hundreds of new people here every day, and to feel the satisfaction that comes when many hands are working together to bring in the harvest.