It's been a dream of ours, ever since we opened, to make the farm about more than just strawberries. We want to make it a gathering place for children and families. A place for people to connect with the farm and the food they eat that grows out of the earth and the sun and the rain and the goodness of the Father in heaven who provides.
Natalie Brouwer, who shares our name but is not related, has worked for us three summers. As we've gotten to know her, we've been amazed to watch her artistic skill develop. This summer, Dan and I commissioned her to paint us a "cut-out" that people could pose behind. We gave her carte-blanche.
She came up with this remake of Grant Wood's 'American Gothic.' According to the New York Times, "Steven Biel, who has written a book on the the painting, 'American Gothic' has evolved from iconoclasm to icon to parody.
Biel documents the process and speculates about how it happened,
ultimately claiming that 'American Gothic' ranks in importance as a
recognizable national emblem alongside the flag, the eagle and the
Statue of Liberty."
(Read full article)
Farming is an integral part of this nation, and it is our pleasure to welcome many people to our farm throughout the strawberry season. We're delighted with this contribution by Natalie Brouwer, and hope that many people will use it as a photo opportunity, and a reminder of the farming heritage we all share.